Back to school 2024/2025

The start of the school year is set for August 28, 2024. We expect to welcome students from 1P to 8P and from 9S to 11S Harmos.
There are still free seats available. Click here to register.


Life School Riviera is an innovative and progressive private school. It was born out of the desire to reveal each child's potential, talents and identity by offering quality teaching, tailor-made, adapted to the child's rhythm and learning profile. The heart of our school is to teach and transmit essential values, appreciation of others and sense of excellence. The school opened at the beginning of the school year 2021, in a green setting in Saint-Légier. Registration for 2024/2025 is open from 1P to 11P Harmos. It's always possible to join our classes during the year.


A well-taught child ensures his future and that of society. We want a school where students are comfortable expressing themselves with who they are while feeling listened to and who can build their own identity and become responsible, respectful citizens as adults. We also want a school where teachers are valued and rewarded for their investment.


Our Mission together is to prepare each child to become a confident, fulfilled, responsible and respectful citizen. We want to equip them to become leaders and bring solutions to the society of tomorrow.


Through teaching to the French-speaking Swiss study plan yet integrating Christian values that bring life and hope, we wish for our students to develop a sound set of values to face their futures. Although we do not teach theological biblical classes we are committed to showing Christian values on a daily basis through the school structure and attitudes of respect, sharing, benevolence and valuing each other. We aim to encourage children to do good to those around them and take care of each other and the environment. These values allow each child to make their own choices about their life and their future.


The foundations of the school are based on the following Christian values: listening, sharing, respect, empathy, forgiveness, perseverance.

To promote and develop: self-esteem and confidence, solidarity, team work, responsibility and respect for oneself and others.

The sense of excellence We lead everyone to give the best of themselves in whatever he/she undertakes without criticism or comparison.

The culture of respect Every child, teacher and staff member shows mutual respect towards each other, valuing their importance, reputation and their family and culture.

Freedom of opinions and convictions Indoctrination or proselytism are not part of our values. Each child can think, give his point of view, pose questions, have their own beliefs and express thoughts freely, all under the umbrella of respect.

We want to put into practice these values, adopted also by our Swiss constitution, so that each child can find their identity and become a responsible and respectful citizen.

Each student, teacher and worker must sign a charter of values and behavior that they will have to respect and put into practice within the school.

Our foundations for learning

Benefits for parents

AFFORDABLE SCHOOLING for all families depending on income. We want to offer a fair and inclusive education system based on equal access to educational opportunities

CLOSE COLLABORATION with parents to support children depending on their needs.

The possibility of leaving your child at school between 7h30 - 17h30. Optional: welcome as of 7h30 and permancence between 16h00 and 17h30

DIVING DEEPER - presentations and discussions on themes such as: identity, relationships, the environment, addictions, nutrition, etc.

WORKSHOPS initiated by experts in their field.


COLLABORATION WITH COMPANIES in the region through various projects.

Commitment, participation and support for COMMUNITY & HUMANITARIAN PROJECTS.